SKEWED apply design thinking to marketing and retail communications. A group of collaborative thinkers, makers and creators with studios based in Stockholm, London and Helsingborg.
Recent work
Our studios
Kullagatan 3
252 20 Helsingborg
The first studio of SKEWED in the south of Sweden. Helsingborg is where it all began. A studio here is a strategic hub. Able to put problems into perspective and synthesise thought. It’s also where our Factory Shop is. Making things is of course hugely important to the SKEWED DNA.
Skewed London
70 Clerkenwell Road
London, United Kingdom
A new addition to the SKEWED family. London consistently outputs incredible culture. Something about the mix of people here makes for fertile ground creatively. Be that in fashion, music, art or design. This studio is the base for SKEWED’s editorial operations and helps connect us to exciting goings on in the global creative scene.
Skewed Stockholm
Blekingegatan 16 Bv
118 56 Stockholm
SKEWED graphical operations unit. Stockholm is of course the most well known Swedish city internationally. It is from our Stockholm studio that we formulate brand identities and come up with the visuals. Be they books, movies, stills, graphics, websites… you get the picture.